litigation management

Litigation Management Definition – the application of management principles to the litigation process and to an organization’s use of outside lawyers. Includes components of planning, controlling, organizing, implementing, and monitoring in the context of legal services and costs.
RiskSavers has a different approach
RiskSAVERS doesn’t just monitor the costs of defense counsel’s progress, RiskSAVERS utilizes proven Risk Saving tools to reduce the cost of litigated cases.
The Risksavers difference
File Audit
RiskSAVERS will conduct a file audit to review the case and prepare an action plan addressing the issues alleged in the dispute. This action plan shall be provided to defense counsel when the case is assigned.
RiskSAVERS will assign the case to dense counsel in accordance with the client's instructions.
RiskSAVERS wil discuss the disputed claim with the employer and educate them on the litigation process.
RiskSAVERS will assist defense counsel in preparing the case for trail and when possible will attend.
The RiskSAVER Mission
Our mission starts with the simple assumption that management gets back from its workforce what it sews. When given the proper tools, information and training humans can and will achieve greatness. Small changes in management behavior can trigger great changes in outcome.
As humans we bring both value and risk, to the workplace. At RiskSAVER we help our clients control the human side of risk. We enhance the value and productivity of the worker, create a safer work place and eliminate the major risk factors associated with negative human behavior, expectations and loss.
At RiskSAVER we strive to manage the human element of risk and loss. When an accident and injury does occur RiskSAVER provides fair, honest and professional claims investigation and risk management interventions designed to control our client’s exposure to loss while identifying and managing the special needs of the injured person.
Our goal is to bring resolution to the chaos of risk and human loss.
Meet Our Team
We bring our 30+ years of claims handling experience to every case we work. This understanding allows for a greater chance to reduce exposure, identify potential recovery opportunities and resolve claims effectively.
Put our risksavers to work for you